The instances of heavy pollution have several causes behind it which upon analysis, reveals the following problems: Excessive Dependence on fossil fuels The continuous relying upon nonrenewable sources of energy like coal, gas reserves and other fuel which has high emission rates has been the number one reason for excessive pollution 5/19/ · The main human-induced or anthropogenic causes of pollution include industries, transportation, waste disposal, oil spills, use of chemical fertilizers, etc. There are several other activities of humans that are responsible for the pollution 5/27/ · Causes of Pollution Essay 1 ( Words) There are several human activities that lead to the pollution of the environment. Widespread development and population growth throughout the world has resulted in increased human activities like industrialization, urbanization, deforestation
Long and Short Essay on Causes of Pollution in English for Children and Students
The term Pollution refers to the introduction of unwanted polluting substances into the environment. These polluting substances, commonly referred to as pollutants are generated mainly due to human activities like industrialization, use of fossil fuels, radioactive leakage etc.
Pollutants could be solid, liquid or gaseous forms, causes of pollution essay, depending on the activities through which they are produced.
These pollutants are mostly chemical and toxic in nature and get mixed with the environment, degrading its overall quality. We have provided below Short and Long Essay on Causes of Pollution in English for causes of pollution essay information and knowledge. The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language so that you can easily memorize them and present them when needed.
After going through these essays, you will know the causes of pollution; how industries and vehicles cause pollution; how littering causes pollution etc. You will also know causes of pollution essay the conventional and natural causes of pollution. There are several human activities that lead to the pollution of the environment.
Widespread development and population growth throughout the world has resulted in increased human activities like industrialization, urbanization, deforestation among others, causes of pollution essay. Each of stated activities affects the environment in its own way. For example, industrialization causes the contamination of air and water bodies, as a lot of toxic byproducts are produced both in gaseous as well as liquid forms, by the production industries.
In the absence of proper management, these pollutants are left into the environment, resulting in pollution of air and causes of pollution essay bodies. Similarly, transport vehicles use fossil fuel, which causes of pollution essay burning produces harmful gases like CO Carbon MonoxideCO 2 Carbon dioxide etc. These gases again mix with the atmospheric air, causing air pollution.
Forests act as causes of pollution essay buffer zones and air filters. They absorb noise pollution and also exchange CO 2 with much needed O 2 Oxygen. When more forests are cut down it results in increased causes of pollution essay concentration of these toxic gases, which has a adverse effect on human health as well as on the health of the flora and fauna.
When an unwanted substance enters the otherwise natural and pure environment, this phenomenon is termed as pollution. There are many factors that cause pollution and almost all of them are human induced, causes of pollution essay. The natural pollutants causing potential harm to the environment are negligible. Below we have discussed some of the main factors causing pollution of the environment.
These manufacturing industries emit toxic fumes as byproduct, which are emitted into the environment. Industrial emission may contain toxic gases, causes of pollution essay, chemicals and solids as well. Due to lack of effective policies, these substances are freely emitted into the environment, by the industries, consequently causing environmental pollution. Transportation vehicles use fossil fuels as their main fuel.
Burning of fossil fuels produces gases like Carbon dioxide CO 2 and Carbon Monoxide CO as byproduct. More number of vehicles plying on road means more quantity of these toxic gases in the atmosphere. Also the industries producing fossil fuels generate toxic gaseous compound which are very harmful to the environment.
Littering is another most common cause for the environmental pollution. Littering happens when common household waste or urban waste, to be more specific, reaches our natural environment, due to the lack of effective waste management methods. The urban waste consists of toxic compounds like polythene, glass, lead, garbage etc. This trash reaches our soil and water bodies, resulting in their pollution. Agricultural activities like use of chemical fertilizers contaminate the soil resulting in its pollution.
Modern fertilizers use chemicals those may temporary boost up crop yield yet in the long run are harmful to the causes of pollution essay. These chemicals get mixed with the soil and later get washed away as runoff into our water bodies or ground water resources. Pollution is a vast subject involving several triggering factors and same as many implications.
There is a need to look into each and every factor causing pollution and to take necessary preventive measures. The causes of pollution are not only limited to the conventional pollutants like Carbon Dioxide CO 2 and Carbon Monoxide CO emitted from burning of fossil fuels by transportation vehicles, rather a number of other factors are responsible for causing environmental pollution.
I this ever expanding world, causes of pollution essay, new constructions are being build every minute; transportation vehicles and huge jet liners are transporting men and machinery from one place to other within a matter of few hours.
These heavy machineries used for the construction work and aircrafts are the main source of noise pollution. Excess use of unwanted light in areas of urban settlements causes light pollution.
Lights glow up areas where it is not required, often also interfering with each other. Moreover, there are too many lights pointing at a particular place, which requires less light. The presence of excess light over a particular area is termed as light pollution. Though, light is one of the most neglected causes of pollution, yet it has many degrading effects on the environment and its inhabitants.
Urban runoff is one of the main causes of pollution in and around human settlements. Urban runoff consists of a variety of solid and liquid pollutants, often toxic in nature. It also contains harmful chemicals from agricultural fields using chemical fertilizers.
Urban runoff is the main cause of air, water and soil pollution, in and around the urban settlement. Excess use of plastic as bags and in the form of other consumable materials is also one of the main causes of environmental pollution. Plastic is non biodegradable and as it is stays in the environment for centuries to come.
Thin plastic bags get broken into small pieces and reaches the soil and water bodies, resulting in their pollution. Pollution is caused by several human induced activities. There is a need to put an effective policy in place to curb the harmful effect of pollution on the environment. This could only be achieved by sheer will and determination of the government agencies and the people alike.
As we all know that pollution refers to the contamination of our natural environment by an contaminant or pollutant, mainly generated due to human activity. There are some conventional causes of pollution like the use of fossil fuels by vehicles and also non conventional causes like volcanoes, forest fires etc. The causes of pollution can be classified into two categories — human induced pollution and natural pollution.
Below we will briefly discuss the two types of causes of pollution. Fumes emitted by the exhaust of vehicles are the main cause of air pollution in an urban area. Vehicles use petrol or diesel, which upon combustion produces Carbon Monoxide CO.
CO is toxic in nature and causes irreparable damage to the environment and human health as well. Apart from the vehicles using fossil fuels, power plants also use great quantities of fossil fuels, resulting in environmental damage. During the whole process of fossil fuel burning in a power plant, Sulphur Dioxide SO 2 is produced, which gets mixed with water vapor present in the atmosphere and causes a phenomenon called Acid Rain.
Acid Rain is very damaging to the flora and fauna of the environment. Industrial Exhaust is one of the main causes of pollution of the environment, causes of pollution essay.
Industries emit harmful gases as byproducts into the environment. Some of them even release liquid chemical pollutants and other hazardous solid compounds, into the nearby water bodies. This causes huge damage to causes of pollution essay natural water resource and contaminates it, also threatening the life of flora and fauna and aquatic plants and animals.
Incessant construction activities are one of the main causes of air pollution in an urban area. Activities like grinding, foundation digging, sump construction, transportation results in very small particles of dust being mixed with air. These particle are called Particulate Matter PM causes of pollution essay just remain suspended in the air, for hours, causes of pollution essay, sometimes even for days.
Air with more than prescribed quantity of Particulate Matter is hazardous to breathe and may cause serious respiratory ailments. There are also some natural causes of pollution, which cause huge damage to the environment. Though, they are not consistent in appearance, yet, they cause considerable damage to the environment. Some of the natural causes of the environmental pollution are volcanoes, forest fires, causes of pollution essay, dust storms.
During the volcanic eruption and forest fires large quantities of toxic causes of pollution essay are released causing damage to the environment. There is a need to immediately limit the effects of pollution as it is destroying the environment with every passing minute. Not only the pollution is contaminating our natural resources it also threatens the very existence of life on earth.
It is a collective responsibility of everyone to take necessary action towards preventing any further damage to the environment. This could be achieved by decreasing waste and introducing new and effective waste disposal and management techniques.
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Pollution Essay in English - Essay writing on pollution in english
, time: 16:02Essay on Pollution, Causes, Effects, Speech in English
5/27/ · Causes of Pollution Essay 1 ( Words) There are several human activities that lead to the pollution of the environment. Widespread development and population growth throughout the world has resulted in increased human activities like industrialization, urbanization, deforestation 1/3/ · Causes of Noise Pollution It is mainly caused by industrialization, household chores, social events, transportation and construction activities. The main cause of noise pollution is the ignorance and unawareness among people. They deliberately ring horns of vehicles and use generators and machines which produce sounds 5/19/ · The main human-induced or anthropogenic causes of pollution include industries, transportation, waste disposal, oil spills, use of chemical fertilizers, etc. There are several other activities of humans that are responsible for the pollution
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