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Project management term paper

Project management term paper

project management term paper

12/11/ · Write a 1, to 2,word paper in which you address the following risk management items for this supplier global expansion project: Describe the objectives and goals, tools and techniques, and organizational roles and responsibilities for effective risk management for the project 3 TERM PAPER Project management includes the planning and organization of a company's assets to move a particular task, occasion, or obligation towards fulfillment. It can include a one-time project or a progressing movement, and assets oversaw incorporate work force, accounts, innovation, and protected property (LaBarre, ) TERM PAPER. OF. PROJECT MANAGEMENT TOPIC: Study the reasons responsible for India’s dismal performance in implementation of project management as a science. SUBMITTED BY: JAVAID AHMAD GANAIE. ROLL no. Reg. no. Science projects. 1 At first blush the above definition of projects may not seem a perfect fit for the work that goes on in a science lab. The /5(5)

Project Management - Term Paper

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There has been a dramatic proliferation of research in construction projects for decades. However, there are still a few projects that cannot accomplish their projected goals.

In this essay, we would like to review studies of project success, encouraging similar, favourable outcomes in project construction. The first section of the essay will give an authentic definition of project success. We will follow this with a project evaluation, and project management term paper as to why we must establish an accurate project definition.

After giving a fundamental description of the project, WE will explain the importance of systematic thinking, and will finally focus on why successful projects are delivered through open and adaptive systems. What Is a Successful ProjectAll members of a project must aim to accomplish the client's objective and exceed expectations in the project's given time. Cooke-Davies, Consequently, we first distinguish a difference between the success of a project and project management; the criteria are not exactly the same, though some may overlap each other.

Subsequently, we will lay emphasis on the key factors to achieve project success. Successful Projects and Successful Project ManagementSuccess in project management demands consciousness of cost, time, and quality. To achieve this success you must first first gather project team members and select a qualified manager, after this, the team must ensure that they have the appropriate resources and technical performance necessary to meet project demands.

Once the corresponding team members clarify their goal, it is essential for all participants, including stakeholders, to work together to achieve and maintain the goal. At the same time, project managers are also responsible for setting achieveable goals for project members to accomplish, and managers in the project should define the difficulties they might face as the project progresses PMI, Furthermore, all members must understand the risks that may develop throughout the process, and should set a feedback system to control any potential uncertainties before the start of the process.

Overall, the success of project management is dependent project management term paper the project manager's ability to monitor and modify the project effectively Cooke-Davies, Whereas the success of project management mainly focuses on the process and the efficiency of the project, a successful project is valued by the degree to which the goal is executed Wit, We can extend this definition by Walker and Rowlinson's theory.

This theory argued that a successful project aims to deliver outcomes that might be project management term paper to the whole project, and that project management project management term paper is necessary to keep or boost the value of the project goal. Under this definition, it follows that successful project management is based on the internal organisation of the project, though a successful project has a broader criteria to achieve, which we will now assess.

Wit has pointed out that measuring project objectives is the most effective way to evaluate project management term paper thus, the precise construction of project definitions has an essential influence on the later processes of the project, project management term paper. If these objectives are achieved to a great extent, the project will be viewed as a success.

Criteria of a Successful ProjectAs we indicated in the definition of successful project management, successful project management needs to be measured by cost, time and quality.

Although project success has distinct criterion to concentrate on, the project can also be measured by time, cost, and quality to accommodate clients' desires to have the project completed with their given resources PMI, In Cooke-Davis's bookhe mentions that a project may be successful if it can distribute value and meet the expectation of the people who are willing to be responsible for the project throughout the whole process.

If the project can meet technical specifications, project management term paper all members and stakeholders in the project team are satisfied with the outcome, then it is considered to be an overall success Baker et al. In the model of project life cycle, the project definition is the first concept that project team members must focus on once, or before, they accept the project.

This definition may also be seen as the foundation of the project, project management term paper. If the project is defined inaccurately or incompletely, it is highly possible to fail in project actualization Lock, In order to achieve a successful project, we should first focus on the project definition, and only then begin to formulate the project. Accurate Project Definitions Traditional Project DefinitionBased on Morris's theory, project management term paper, the form of the project was being created to achieve short-term goals in the organisation in order to accomplish long-term goals.

Before starting a project, the project must be supported with proper technology, efficient communication methods, project management term paper authorised power to the project manager, project management term paper.

It is in an increasing trend for the percentage of organisations to view their activities as projects because some organisations are not able to set and achieve their long-term goals. Therefore, these organisations tend to apply project theory in the given period of time, which can help them review and modify their goals more efficiently. During that time, even though the project has its own goal and organisational structure, it is still being treated as a part of the organisational process Turner, Recent Projects DefinitionProjects have been defined as "temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service or result" PMI,p, project management term paper.

As a result, a project has a limited time to achieve its goal, and varies from case to case. Walker also noted that a project definition is highly pertinent to the client, and that the project team should fully understand their client's goals to develop trust and confidence for both of them in order to collect necessary information and, ultimately, achieve a more accurate project definition. As mentioned above, whether the success of a project may be evaluated by the degree of project objective achievement.

To understand the goal of the project, team members should first engage in a thorough discussion with their client to assess their needs. However, Lock suggests the project team should define the project as accurately as possible before the start the project because managers and members in the project cannot develop it successfully without this adequately defined specification.

He also noted that the objective of the project might be modified. This means that, even with efficient resources and support from stakeholders, internal sufficiency alone is far from making a project success.

Projects often face a problem project management term paper team members cannot meet their client, partially because the client's brief is not well structured, but also because there is rapid change in the external environment. Nevertheless, with an accurate project definition, project team members are more flexible to adjust to the change, engendering a positive team attitude towards the whole process. Therefore, accurate projects definitions keep the project on track, which eventually achieves the client's objective Lock, ;Walker, On the other hand, project managers have been working on finding better ways to arrange projects for decades, project management term paper.

The fundamental problem of the existing structure includes the initial conflicting opinions and expectations of team members, rendering the group unable to conclude any attainable objectives. Also, the system as a construction project is extremely complex and team members need to be more circumspect to the adjustment of the project. If they only focus on one or a few perspectives, they may fail to accomplish the goal.

In this circumstance, project members are not prepared for change, as they do not understand the complexity of the system fully Bennett, ;Jackson, project management term paper, Despite the main role of the definition in how we measure project success, no matter how much effort team members put into the project at hand, there are project management term paper several external factors that may influence the assessment of the project, which may not be fully connected to the project team Cooke-Davies, Walker observed that the definition of a project might be replete with obstacles due to the influence of the external environment.

This includes effects of authority, project management term paper, environmental forces, and forces from stakeholders. It is said that a project should compose a detailed mission and objective; it must also use specific methods to make all project members comprehend the project fully Walker and Rowlinson, Therefore, only when a team is aware of the project's external factors, can they respond to the environment and achieve the required degree of success.

In this case, we will need to discuss how to control, or adapt to, this environment change. System ThinkingGenerally speaking, a system is a valuable area of study, but the requirements to compose the given system may differ in various areas Lane and Jackson, By Richmond's definition of system thinking constitutes a form of learning that can be applied in various areas, such as business management and personal life management. He also points out that by developing the knowledge of a basic structure, system thinking is a method permits assumptions and develops an organizational pattern of human behaviour.

In other words, system thinking is a learning method under a vantage point of specific skills, processes, languages and technologies. Every step formulated under this theory supports and regulates each other, and will affect, or be affected, by the environmental influences, thus providing the essential feedback loops for the project Richmond, ;Walker, In brief, system thinking will not only help the project managers to construct a more solid project organisation, but will also permit a methodical review the process.

A team must be flexible to apply their knowledge and adjust to the aforementioned unstable environment Walker and Rowlinson, From Walker's perspective, the system's objective is to accomplish the client's expectation, which is defined as the "client's brief" from the finished project. In system thinking, the client is seen as a part of the project management system, or, to be more accurate, a construction project management system is a part of the client's organisation system during the development of a project.

Thus, the organisation of a project can be seen as a system because it can envision the performance of team members, and is willing to represent the process of the project in a structural way. Only those with influential power in the project, such as stakeholders from the external environment and internal process, will matter and affect the project. Open and Close SystemsAn open system is able to maintain the system itself by the input resources project management term paper the external environment Scott, As Walker mentioned, a close system does not react to circumstances that happen outside the system, whereas an open system would produce a response.

Thus, project management term paper, a close system is predictable because it does not accommodate to the difference, while an open system project management term paper modify as the environment changes. That is, an open system would change its structure and process to adapt to the environment.

In addition, an open system does not follow a certain path, however, it develops various ways to deal with potential conditions that may affect the client's objective. Despite the fact that a close system does not contain elements outside of the system, a close system is so well conceptualised that it could be self-sufficient even though it does not adapt to the environmental change.

Nonetheless, the close system project management term paper be applied to real life for the reason that there are few projects that can fulfil project needs without contact to their stakeholders, and most projects are more or less extent to open and close systems due to their reaction to the environment.

Therefore, researchers in recent decades have shifted project management term paper focus to more complex and realistic open systems Walker, project management term paper, The environment of the system depends on a series of factors.

The change of several factors, though it is not the system itself, may still affect the adaption of the system Ackoff, ;Walker, In short, if the elements do not affect the change of the state of the system, it is not included as part of the environment. However, though the open system can modify the structure more flexibly, it does not mean it is exposing the whole project under uncertainty.

On the contrary, it uses various ways to solve potential circumstances with the same goal. Rather than being trapped in one approach, an open system has already concluded a variety of project management term paper to accomplish the goal.

What are the most important Project Management terms to be known??

, time: 13:52

Term Paper: Project Management | 9 pages, Words:

project management term paper

Project Management Term Paper Various theories in human resource management Top qualities of a project management head How to handle crisis in project management Project management and leadership Role of project manager Human resource project manager Behavioral aspects of project management Project 3 TERM PAPER Project management includes the planning and organization of a company's assets to move a particular task, occasion, or obligation towards fulfillment. It can include a one-time project or a progressing movement, and assets oversaw incorporate work force, accounts, innovation, and protected property (LaBarre, ) Term Paper on Project Management IT Project Management Assignment The project team should focus on internal and external customers because this will facilitate quality throughout the entire project and reduce the number of errors that occur. The external customer is usually a standard consideration in most projects

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