Saturday, April 24, 2021

Rogerian argument

Rogerian argument

rogerian argument

What is a Rogerian Argument? A Rogerian essay presents a contentious topic using an impartial language to establish common ground and arrive at an agreement. A student identifies a problem from diverse perspectives and comes up with a suitable solution. With a Rogerian argument essay, one can be able to conciliate a tense and conflicting situation The Rogerian argument is a persuasive technique that aims to find a mutual agreement between two conflicting parties. It includes such elements as introduction,a contradictory statement, valid contexts to two opposing positions, and benefits 12/11/ · So, what is a Rogerian argument? While "classical" arguments try to prove the correctness of one point of view and disprove the opinions of the opposition, the Rogerian argument is aimed to reach a consensus. Let us tell the whole story which stands behind this essay type. Once upon a time, there was a psychologist named Carl R. Rogers

How to write the rogerian argument for the essay

I n the world we live in there will always be opposing points of view. However, there will be times when the differences will have to be resolved to some extent in order to function as a society. This is commonly referred to as meeting in the middle or reaching some form of compromise, rogerian argument. The Rogerian argument is one that seeks compromise and not confrontation, rogerian argument.

It is designed to demonstrate an understanding of more than just one point of view and seeks a solution that helps both sides equally, rogerian argument. If one side gets everything they want-that is a Toulmin argument. Here, both sides must walk away with something but not everything. Due to limitations in paper length, in most cases you will rogerian argument be able to write about 2 or 3 differing rogerian argument however as we are all aware there can always be more positions involved.

Sample: If both sides can agree that human life is precious and that the people should have the right to protect themselves, then both sides can come to a reconciliation, rogerian argument. The potential of using the strengths from both sides and rogerian argument together could lead to less means for mass shootings and other potential threats, which will help make a safer society.

Sample: The Government will allow the law abiding citizens to have an easy access to firearms and to enforce stricter background checks to keep the firearms away from the mentally ill and the criminals thereby keeping America and its citizens safe. The gain for the gun control group is that they enforce certain laws that they believe will make America safer, by making it harder for the criminals and the mentally ill from obtaining firearms.

The gain for the gun advocates is that the law abiding citizens are still able to easily access firearms, so that they are able to protect themselves and that the criminals will not be able to take advantage of the law abiding citizens. If both sides work together the future rogerian argument America looks like a safer society and that the law abiding citizens can go on with their regular activities without worrying about the possibility of a shooting massacre.

Introduction: Criminal activity has gotten out of hand. The people are disturbed and frankly scared of the recent trend that has happened in America. The problem at hand is that America is split on how to deal with the rogerian argument increase in the crime and murder rate.

Gun control groups state that if they rogerian argument the Second Amendment, there will be a decrease in the crime and murder rate. Gun advocates believe that restricting the Second Amendment will increase the crime and murder rate, stating that the law abiding citizens will have no way to protect themselves against rogerian argument. The differing points of view on gun control may be diverse, but if the value of safety and human life affects everyone then why is it so hard to find common ground?

Position 1: One of the views on gun control is the gun advocates and constitutionalists who are against gun control, rogerian argument. One aspect that gun advocates look at on gun control is the correlation between it and the crime and murder rate.

The source information is from Mark Gius and John R, rogerian argument. Lott Jr. Mark Gius is from the Department of Economics, rogerian argument, Quinnipiac University, of Hamden and John R, rogerian argument.

is regarded as one of the best analyst of statistics of gun control and has been formerly employed by multiple prestigious institutes, such as Yale University. The murder rate on rogerian argument gun incidence in America is right around 3, rogerian argument. These two sources suggest that very high restrictions on the Second Amendment does not decrease the crime and murder rate, but actually increase it.

This is one main reason why the American should be concern because very low or moderate gun control actually helps in certain ways, but very high or extreme restrictions on the Second Amendment has an opposite effect thereby directly related to the safety and security of citizens of the United States.

Position 1: Another aspect that gun advocates look at on gun control is the past incidences where countries have imposed a gun ban. The source information is from Justin King, rogerian argument, who uses well known references for his information and draws upon other prestigious analysts such as Mustard and David Lampo in his work as a columnist for the Fifth Column of the Mint Press.

In the United Kingdom enacted rogerian argument gun ban. Ireland banned rogerian argument in The homicide rate rose over one hundred percent for the next three years. Further, the Australians also banned guns in There was a small spike in murders directly after the ban, rogerian argument. These findings suggest that a complete rogerian argument on guns does nothing but increases the loss of life. Many other countries that have had gun bans in the past are seeing these statistics.

Some of these countries like Russia who has had a long time gun ban, are relaxing their firearm laws. Citizens are now able to carry a firearm such as smooth bore long barreled guns, pistols and many others with the exception of rifles. This source suggests that rogerian argument complete ban on guns only increase the crime and murder rate.

It seems that the American public should be concerned with a complete ban on the Second Amendment because countries that have had a complete ban on rogerian argument saw an increase in the murder rate affecting the safety and wellbeing of all concerned, rogerian argument. Position 1 both sides rogerian argument : The aspect that both sides can agree on this position is that the law abiding citizen should have the ability to protect themselves when they feel like their life is in danger, rogerian argument.

Ben Swann, rogerian argument, a constitutional expert and professor at Harvard Law school examines the Second Amendment and gun control, rogerian argument. This allowed the law abiding citizens to have access to firearms without their freedom being infringed.

The expanding of the word militia to an individual happened because the gun advocates and the gun control group agreed that the people should have the ability to protect themselves. These facts suggest that both sides agree that the law abiding citizen should have the right to use guns in self protection so that the American public should feel safer in that criminals will no longer be able to push around the weak and the innocent. Transition: Most would agree that society should do everything in their power to allow law abiding citizens the ability to rogerian argument themselves, but for those who present a danger, there must be tougher restrictions in order to reduce the potential for a loss of life.

Position 2 : The other view on gun control is the gun control advocates who believe that there should be a restriction on the Second Amendment. One aspect that gun control advocates look at on gun control is that it restricts the ability of criminals and mentally ill people to easily obtain firearms. The source information is from Lee M. and Alexander Stingl, rogerian argument, who are credible sources because Lee M. is an analyst for the Violence Policy Center that focuses on gun related incidences and Alexander Stingl is a researcher that focuses on world events.

Gun control groups claim that more intense background checks will reduce crime, rogerian argument. The idea of the background check is rogerian argument it will allow the gun shop owners to look into the customers background making sure that they are not a criminal or mentally rogerian argument. They also state that by placing certain restrictions on the Second Amendment that the crime and murder rate will decrease.

The statistics shows that states that enforce background checks and have a moderate to low amount of restrictions on the Second Amendment have one of the lowest murder and crime rates M. and Stingl. For instance Iowa has a moderate amount rogerian argument restrictions on the Second Amendment and enforces background checks M. This has given Iowa one of the lowest homicide rates in America with 1. South Dakota is another instance of a state that has low restrictions on the Second Amendment and enforces background checks M.

This has also given South Dakota a very low homicide rate, which is 2. This source suggests that a moderate restriction on the Second Amendment actually reduces the crime and murder rate, rogerian argument.

The reason why the American public should care is that background checks and small restrictions on the Second Amendment, rogerian argument, actually helps reduce the amount of crime and murder, rogerian argument.

Position 2: Another aspect that gun control groups look at on gun control is the amount of records that are becoming more available by the Department of Rogerian argument. This source is from the Accountability Office in Washington D. When background checks were first proposed in Congress, the problem was that the Department of Justice could not enforce that rule because certain documents such as unlawful use of drugs and mentally ill records were rogerian argument available to the state.

This is why many people believe that background checks do not work because certain people who were mentally ill or were unlawfully using drugs were still able to obtain guns, rogerian argument, while background checks were enforced. The Department of Justice has recently made great strides in making does documents available to the state. In the Department of Justice increased the availability of records in the United States byThe increase in available drug rogerian argument, criminal and mental health records could be the reason in the increasing number of gun transactions that have been denied based on those records.

According to the FBI data, the amount of gun transactions that were denied based on mental health records increased from in to in This source suggests that background checks are improving because of recent strides made by the Department of Justice, rogerian argument.

The reason why the American public should care is that background checks help keep guns away from the criminals, the mentally ill and the drug users, rogerian argument. Position 2 both sides agree : The aspect that both sides would agree rogerian argument this position would be that America should enforce background checks to keep firearms away from the criminals, the mentally ill and the drug users, rogerian argument.

This source is from Jonathan Gatehouse who is a credible source because he is a senior correspondent that has covered rogerian argument topic of gun control, rogerian argument.

The evidence shows that background checks help decrease the crime and murder rate because it makes it harder for the criminals to obtain firearms. Both sides would agree that they should keep records and create a demographic on rogerian argument people, so that they are not able to obtain firearms. The evidence supports that background checks have reduced the crime and murder rate because the denied rate of gun transaction due to background checks rogerian argument increased each year.

This source suggests that both sides agree that they most enforce this law, so that it keeps the power rogerian argument possess a gun to only the law abiding citizens. The reason why the American public should care is that the criminals will have a harder time obtaining firearms, which will reduce the crime and murder rate. Rogerian argument If both sides can agree that human life is precious and that the people should have the right to protect themselves, rogerian argument, then both sides can come to a reconciliation.

Conclusion: The Government will allow the law abiding citizens to have an easy access to firearms and to enforce stricter background checks to keep the firearms away from the mentally ill and the criminals thereby keeping America and its citizens safe, rogerian argument.

Writing and Rhetoric by Heather Hopkins Bowers, rogerian argument, Rogerian argument Ruggiero, and Jason Saphara is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.

Skip to content I n the world we live in there will always be opposing points of view, rogerian argument. The major differences between the Toulmin and Rogerian are the approach to the issue, rogerian argument. The Rogerian argument works on rogerian argument the different sides in a fair and unbiased manner recognizing not only their strengths but their weaknesses as well.

Next they find common areas which are points that BOTH sides can agree on. Once the realization of common ground has been established, the ability to use that common ground to build trust and the opportunity to work together to achieve something better can both sides moved forward.

Lastly a proposal is rogerian argument that suggests what should happen and why both sides should move forward with following the proposal. When compared to the Toulmin argument which takes the position of I am right and you are wrong, this argument is much friendlier so to speak with very neutral and unbiased language.

Time and evidence is devoted to showing each side beliefs but also a part of each side that agrees with the other point s of view. Evidence in general is more central or in the middle, rogerian argument, rather than polarized or extremist.

A grabber should try to not give away the topic of the paper. Provide a basic overview of the controversy surrounding the issue, rogerian argument. What is the problem? What are the differing views? Develop a question that suggests the direction the paper will take but avoids giving a full thesis statement that suggests a course of action, rogerian argument.

Example: The differing points of view on abortion may be diverse but if the value of a human life affects everyone then why is it so hard to find common ground?

Traditional Vs Rogerian Argumentation Style

, time: 3:04

Rogerian Argument // Purdue Writing Lab

rogerian argument

6/25/ · Rogerian Argument About Death Penalty Acker, a professor of criminal justice in this book gives an overview that comprehensively presents the general view of the death penalty in America. The book covers crucial issues in respect to arguments made in court, court decisions, and research studies 12/11/ · So, what is a Rogerian argument? While "classical" arguments try to prove the correctness of one point of view and disprove the opinions of the opposition, the Rogerian argument is aimed to reach a consensus. Let us tell the whole story which stands behind this essay type. Once upon a time, there was a psychologist named Carl R. Rogers 5/10/ · Rogerian argument is an argument where the both sides win because of the careful approach and persuasion. It is mainly useful in psychological arguments, rather than in logical or scientific arguments

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