Hello again, One of the most popular questions you can get out of the PT3 tests is to write a [ ] How to Write An Informal Letter Posted on April 20, July 21, Grace Leave a 5/17/ · short communicative message 1. The PT3 English Paper 2 is divided into two parts: a) Part 1 - Short Communicative Message b) Part 2 – Note Expansion 2. This PT3 ENGLISH Paper 2 Module consists example of answering short communicative message question and 15 practices of short communicative message question (PT3 SPOTTED QUESTIONS) Paragraph 1: purpose is to clean up the neighbourhood that is poorly kept. Paragraph 2: each group given a rubbish bag and gloves - collect rubbish thrown carelessly into drains and on the ground. Paragraph 3: allowed residents to socialize with their neighbours. Conclusion: the neighbourhood is
Pendaftaran KelasLive™ Harimau - English PT3
In this post, we try to answer all your questions. hopefully it helps make teaching easier for you parents and teachers out there. letter, report, article, speech etc Simple essay no format More than words About words Specific general 30 marks 20 marks HOW TO ANSWER THE NEW WRITING PAPERS????? RULE OF THUMB 1: Understand What is CLT Communicative Language Teaching Approach If you are a teacher, you might just need a little bit of flashbackthen you will know the idea of it, short communicative message pt3.
Short communicative message pt3 NEW FORMATS BASE A LOT ON THE IDEA OF CLT. This is a very vague idea because what is considered natural and what is not can be subjective, short communicative message pt3. Especially when the situation now is that we still do not have a written guide. One thing teachers have to get used to is that, we should be okay with little slips here and short communicative message pt3. Rule of thumb is, give the best form of English you know.
I hope you are fine. I am fine here. That is considered BAD in the new format. Think about this. Im good. By the way, I am planning to go to the library this Saturday. Which is more natural in your daily life? There you go. Remember, natural language wins. So in the new format we want to take away all the not so natural greetings and go straight to the point.
One way to help students elaborate is to get them to think about the good things about their choice and the bad things about what they have rejected. You already have 62 words — only by listing down all the good things about your choice of hobby. This sounds like a cliche, but if you learn to build sentences around WH-questions, you should be able to build a solid form 3 level essay. Just imagine building 3 sentences for each question, how many words can you get from there?
For example, you no longer ask them to write about Hari Raya, get them to write about the celebration that they celebrate i. e: Christmas, Chinese New Year, Kaamatan, Deepavali, etc. This way, students with all kinds of background can relate and can spend more time on building the language and fixing them.
If the question asks for about words, I think getting to words is great already, short communicative message pt3. Always, for weaker students, keep sentences short and simples, but one thing for sure for the A students to the struggling students. Everyone should aim for one thing. Comment and let me know what you think about the short communicative message pt3 format! We write everything based on the latest format. Hit us up on FB if you have more questions!
Regarding to part 2,do you have to write the essay like telling a story our feelings,witnessed things and such?
Please do help me. Do you have a sample question that I can take a look at? Hai… What about HOTS? How can we tell if the students had applied HOTS in their writing according to the marking scheme? Is short communicative message pt3 a proper marking c scheme where HOTS can be embedded in it? What do you think? Is it compulsory to write at least words for notes expansion or can the pupils write lesser than words?
This is the first time that I come across with your website. Your posts are really helpful, I would comment. My question is, how do short communicative message pt3 mark both the essays, I mean the mark distribution?
thank u very much i really appreciate it now i understand everything hope i got A next exam. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. Lesson Plan — The Day the Bulldozers Came by David Orme. What you need to know about the new PT3 SPEAKING PAPER []. Hi Nassernawawi, if the question asks for aroundwe should short communicative message pt3 least have around words.
Should i put at least 2 bombastic words in an essay or more? Hi Grace. Thanks in advance. Thanks… Pray for me tomorrow. I hope the english test are going to be easy, short communicative message pt3. Thank you, and now i know how to answer the format of the english paper.
I love it. Now I am sure that I am going to get A in English Paper. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. No text for reference you think of your own content.
1E : Short Communicative Message (8th April 2020)
, time: 8:54Writing | Paragraph | Essays

11/18/ · English Essays 5 Short Communicative Message Modules Form 3 (Tingkatan 3) ini merupakan bahan yang menjadi rebutan para guru dan ibubapa semasa musim PKPB ini. Details Bahan SHORT COMMUNICATIVE MESSAGE – MODULE 1 SHORT COMMUNICATIVE MESSAGE – MODULE 2 SHORT COMMUNICATIVE MESSAGE – MODULE 3 SHORT COMMUNICATIVE MESSAGE Paragraph 1: purpose is to clean up the neighbourhood that is poorly kept. Paragraph 2: each group given a rubbish bag and gloves - collect rubbish thrown carelessly into drains and on the ground. Paragraph 3: allowed residents to socialize with their neighbours. Conclusion: the neighbourhood is Short Communicative Message using Tiger-B - Class # Sat - 10 Apr PM to PM: English Menengah Rendah: Solving Part 1 Short Communicative Message using Tiger-B - Class # Sat - 17 Apr PM to PM: English Menengah Rendah: Solving Part 2 Notes Expansion (Guided Narrative) using Tiger-5/3 - Class # Sat - 24 Apr PM to PM
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